The foXray IIe VCU large area imager is a CCD-based imager with 10 bit (1024 gray levels) dynamic range and is supported by FlatfoX software. With its large imaging area, 56 by 42 centimeters, which begins a mere 1.5 millimeters from the bottom and only 2 millimeters from each side, it is able to be placed standing sideways. The operator is able to inspect large items (even the largest allowed carry on suitcase) without the need to reposition the imager. foXray IIe's large imager also includes the window leveling tool, integrated wireless connection and external video camera operation. Its battery operates for 14 consecutive days and is a solution for fast IED detection in public transportation terminals and airports. The foXray IIe VCU imager is available in a super sized 22 inches as well as a 10-inch and 16-inch model.